228 research outputs found

    Uji Efek Ekstrak Daun Papaya (Carica Papaya L.) Terhadap Kadar Gula Darah Tikus Wistar (Rattus Norvegicus) Yang Diinduksi Aloksan

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    : Indonesia is a tropical country with more than 9,600 kinds of medicinal plants; one of them is papaya. Extract of papaya leaf (Carica papaya) is presumed to have hypoglycemia effect because it contains flavonoid, alkaloid, saponin, and tannin. This study aimed to evaluate the effect of papaya leaf extract on elevated blood glucose levels on Wistar rats induced with alloxan. This was an experimental study with 18 male Wistar rats as subjects, divided into 6 groups (3 rats in each group). Group 1, the negative control group, was given aquadest only. Group 2, the positive control group, was treated with alloxan 120 mg/kg body weight (BW) followed by novomix 0.2 iu/200 g BW. Group 3 and 4 were treated with alloxan 120 mg/kg BW followed by papaya leaf extract dosing 250 mg and 500 mg/kg BW respectively. Group 5 and 6 were treated with papaya leaf extract dosing 250 mg and 500 mg/kg BW without alloxan induction. Blood glucose levels were measured on day 1, day 2, and day 3 every six hours at 0, 6, 12, 18, and 24 hours. The results showed that 250 mg/kg BW and 500 mg/kg BW of papaya leaf extract could reduce the elevated blood glucose on Wistar rats for 12 hours after treatment. Conclusion: The extract of papaya leaves could reduce blood sugar levels in hyperglicemic Wistar rats induced by alloxan

    Drag reduction induced by superhydrophobic surfaces in turbulent pipe flow

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    The drag reduction induced by superhydrophobic surfaces is investigated in a turbulent pipe flow. Wetted superhydrophobic surfaces are shown to trap gas bubbles in their asperities. This stops the liquid from coming in direct contact with the wall in that location, allowing the flow to slip over the air bubbles. We consider a well-defined texture with streamwise grooves at the walls in which the gas is expected to be entrapped. This configuration is modeled with alternating no-slip and shear-free boundary conditions at the wall. With respect to the classical turbulent pipe flow, a substantial drag reduction is observed which strongly depends on the grooves’ dimension and on the solid fraction, i.e., the ratio between the solid wall surface and the total surface of the pipe’s circumference. The drag reduction is due to the mean slip velocity at the wall which increases the flow rate at a fixed pressure drop. The enforced boundary conditions also produce peculiar turbulent structures which on the contrary decrease the flow rate. The two concurrent effects provide an overall flow rate increase as demonstrated by means of the mean axial momentum balance. This equation provides the balance between the mean pressure gradient, the Reynolds stress, the mean flow rate, and the mean slip velocity contribution

    Uji Daya Hambat Ekstrak Biji Pala (Myristicae Fragrans)terhadap Pertumbuhan Bakteri Staphylococcus Aureus Dan Streptococcus Pyogenes

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    : People of Indonesia especially in North Sulawesi often use nutmeg powder for wound treatment. Comensalist bacterias that live in human skin, like Staphylococcus aureus and Streptococcus pyogenescan infect open wound especially those that are not treatedwell. This study aimed to find out the result of nutmeg extract inhibition test on Staphylococcus aureus and Streptococcus pyogenes. This was a laboratory experimental study using modified Kirby-Bauer wells at Phytochemistry and Micobriology Laboratory of Sam Ratulangi University Faculty of Mathematics and Science. Nutmeg extract was obtained from maceration process with 96% ethanol. Concentrations of the thick extract that was used were 100 mg/ml, 50 mg/ml, 25 mg/ml, and 12,5 mg/ml. Cefuroxime was used as positive control and aquades was used as negative control. The results showed that aquades had no inhibition zone. Cefuroxime had the widest diameter of inhibition zone. The average of inhibition diameter that was produced by Cefuroxime was 37,33 mm toward S. Aureus bacteria and 42,67 mm toward S. Pyogenes bacteria. Nutmeg extract with 100 mg/ml concentration produced a 25,16 mm inhibition zone diameter on S. Aureus bacteria and 24,16 mm on S. Pyogenes bacteria. Nutmeg extract with 25 mg/ml concentration produced a 19,16 mm diameter on S. Aureus bacteria and 20,66 mm on S. Pyogenes bacteria. While nutmeg extract with 12,5 mg/ml concentration prodyced a 16,16 mm diameter on S. Aureus bacteria and 18,16 mm on S. Pyogenes bacteria. Conclusion: Nutmeg extract has a potential inhibition effect on the growth of S. Aureus and S. Pyogenes bacteria. The inhibition effect of nutmeg extract is stronger on S. Pyogenes than S. Aureus

    Perbandingan Efek Analgesik Perasan Rimpang Jahe Merah (Zingiber Officinale Var. Rubrum Thelaide) Dengan Aspirin Dosis Terapi Pada Mencit (Mus Musculus)

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    : This research purpose to compare analgesic effect from red ginger rhizome juice to therapeutic doses of aspirin. This research is an experimental research with treatment to aspirin group and red ginger rhizome juice mice as trial animals divided into 4 groups, each group contain of 3 mice. Four treatment groups contain of the group aspirin 0,4/20 gr BB and the group of red ginger rhizome juice in 3 different doses which are 4 mg/20 gr BB, 8mg/20gr BB, 16 mg/20 gr BB. Analgesic effect we could saw with counting mice responses likes jump and lick to decrease or release the pain. Before the treatment, all of mice fasted around 11 hours, and then gave the treatment. Studied of mice's responses on the water bath take for 1 minute, on the 0 minute before treatment, and on the 30, 60, 90, 120 minutes after the treatment. Statistical analysis used ANOVA test and continued with LSD (Least Significance Different). Result from ANOVA test showed that there is real difference between the treatment groups. LSD test showed there are no real difference between the treatment group of aspirin to the treatment group of red ginger rhizome juice dose I. On the treatment group of red ginger rhizome juice dose II and dose III there is real difference to the treatment group of aspirin. The treatment group of red ginger rhizome juice dose II to dose III there is no real difference

    A gas analyzer for the internal polarized target of the HERMES experiment

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    A gas analyzer has been developed for the internal polarized target of the HERMES experiment at DESY in order to determine the relative amount of atomic and molecular hydrogen or deuterium in a gas sample. The precise quantitative knowledge of this ratio is crucial because the nucleons in atoms and molecules contribute differently to the average nuclear polarization of the target gas. A new calibration technique used to derive the relative sensitivity to atoms and molecules is presented. As an example, it is shown how the gas analyzer is used within the HERMES environment to divide the molecules in the gas sample into an unpolarized and a potentially polarized fraction

    Flavor decomposition of the sea quark helicity distributions in the nucleon from semi-inclusive deep-inelastic scattering

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    Double-spin asymmetries of semi-inclusive cross sections for the production of identified pions and kaons have been measured in deep-inelastic scattering of polarized positrons on a polarized deuterium target. Five helicity distributions including those for three sea quark flavors were extracted from these data together with re-analyzed previous data for identified pions from a hydrogen target. These distributions are consistent with zero for all three sea flavors. A recently predicted flavor asymmetry in the polarization of the light quark sea appears to be disfavored by the data.Comment: 5 pages, 3 figure

    Nuclear Polarization of Molecular Hydrogen Recombined on a Non-metallic Surface

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    The nuclear polarization of H2\mathrm{H}_2 molecules formed by recombination of nuclear polarized H atoms on the surface of a storage cell initially coated with a silicon-based polymer has been measured by using the longitudinal double-spin asymmetry in deep-inelastic positron-proton scattering. The molecules are found to have a substantial nuclear polarization, which is evidence that initially polarized atoms retain their nuclear polarization when absorbed on this type of surfac

    First Measurement of the Tensor Structure Function b1b_1 of the Deuteron

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    The \Hermes experiment has investigated the tensor spin structure of the deuteron using the 27.6 GeV/c positron beam of \Hera. The use of a tensor polarized deuteron gas target with only a negligible residual vector polarization enabled the first measurement of the tensor asymmetry \At and the tensor structure function \bd for average values of the Bj{\o}rken variable 0.01<0.450.01<0.45 and of the squared four-momentum transfer 0.5GeV2<5GeV20.5 {\rm GeV^2} <5 {\rm GeV^2}. The quantities \At and \bd are found to be non-zero. The rise of \bd for decreasing values of xx can be interpreted to originate from the same mechanism that leads to nuclear shadowing in unpolarized scattering